Time 4 Learning Review

4:26 PM

A month ago I purchased Time 4 Learning for Prince 1. It is hard to find curriculum for this one. Anything that has to do with sit down and writing is a no-go for him. He'll do it, but he will complain the.entire.time. Seriously, I know this from experience too well.Everything is either too hard, and if it's not to hard, it's to boring. I could make him just sit down and do it, but i want learning to be fun for him. I want him to get the education that suits his style of learning. Otherwise i could just send him to public school.

Chime in Time 4 Learning

Computer based learning at a reasonable price! It was up both our alleys. Prince 1 loves computers (and sharks, and snakes, and trucks, and planets...ok, i'll save it for another post!). Yes, he really loves computers. He's been using one since he was about 18 months! He loves computer games. I love cheap.  I was excited! I read all the reviews online, and after some thought I ordered a subscription.

One great thing about this program is the 2 week trial. Try it out for 2 weeks, and see how you like it. If it's not right for your child cancel in those 2 weeks and get your money back.

As for Prince 1, the first 2 weeks he loved it! He begged to do it! I thought i hit the JACKPOT! He liked the games a lot, and was having fun! He liked that there was a Science subject (his all time favorite subject in the world). The graphics are nice, and some of the songs/chants are catchy! I really loved how the lessons were already planned, and broken down for the parent!

Then something happened around week 3. He started saying it was too hard. I figured it was because his grade was set to Grade 1. I set it to Kindergarten to see if it helped at all. He started saying it was too easy, and now it was too "boring". He would rather have me read about trucks, or emergency helicopters. The program was just not appealing to him the way i had anticipated. 

I may keep my subscription for a little while longer to see what happens, but for now he moans if I bring it up. I don't think this says anything about the program itself, but more that this was not the curriculum for my son in particular. I know many families who LOVE time 4 learning...and with great reason! It is well thought out and a great curriculum all around. Just not the one for my child.

*Computer based. Makes it cool for kids who like the computer.
*Well prepared lessons make it easy on the parent
*Fun games and graphics
*2 week trial
*$20/month, fairly inexpensive
*Freedom to move a grade below or ahead of current grade
*Members forum

*Internet based so if your internet goes out so does the program
*Some may not like that their child is at a computer for x amount of time.

Honestly, those are all the cons i've got! If it was a match for my son I would have happily continued on with it for a long time!

As a member of Time4Learning, I have been given the opportunity to review their program and share my experiences. While I was compensated, this review was not written or edited by Time4Learning and my opinion is entirely my own. For more information, check out their standards-based curriculum or learn how to write your owncurriculum review.

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  1. So sorry that this is not working out for your son! I pray that you find something that will click with him.


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