1:39 PM

I don't know if it's only my kids. They only go outdoors in the yard if i literally beg them. Well, not all of them put up a resistance-it's usually my oldest, tech loving son. He'd rather be inside watching gaming videos on you tube, making gaming videos to upload on you tube, or just regular playing the games.
Most of us who know and love Charlotte Mason and her style of education, know that outdoor time is a big part of that.
We live in The Bahamas, so our weather is mostly very good for being outdoors (except for certain hours during the summer when it is way too hot), but for the most part we are lucky when it comes to weather. My goal is to my kids outdoors-with or with out me- for at least 3 hours a day. Will i succeed everyday, probably not...but this is my goal.
I will also try and find some local field guide, and hope that that kind of pushes them to get out and look for things. I'm also looking into getting The Handbook of Nature Study as well.
Here is a video two of the kids made while in the backyard! They  found a Giant African Snail on our sour orange tree, and were more than excited to take a video of it-without me even suggesting it!

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