Change is good!

11:26 AM

I've been deep in thought for the last few days. The main question on my mind: The right method of homeschooling for my family.

As most of the readers of my blog know, my favorite methods of homeschooling are:
Charlotte Mason

Starting as soon as possible  immediately, there will be a change in our homeschooling method. I will be focusing more on the Charlotte Mason method, as this method has been nagging at me from the beginning! It just feels right for me, and I believe God has been pushing me into that direction for my family.

Ms. Mason taught that formal studies were not to begin until the age of 6 or 7. Before then, a child's learning is play.

I have written up an idea of  curriculum we will follow:

Read Bible stories
Verse Memorization

Habit training:
Chores (putting toys in toy box, putting his shoes away)
Family Rules (which i have not gotten around to making yet!)
This book: Child's Book of Character Building: Growing Up in God's World 

Read  Aloud Literature:
These websites: HereHereHere, and Here

Then, when we begin reading lessons i will pick up:

Little Bear series
Frog and Toad series
Little Jewel series
Billy and Blaze series

Calendar (laminate blank calendar, and fill in the month and days)
Days of the week
Counting to 30
Using counters to teach basic addition and subtraction

Language Arts:
Review one letter and introduce its sounds weekly. Vowels say their own name and also have a short sound.
Copywork – One letter of the alphabet on unlined paper per week. Draw in sand, then on paper. Large is okay. Memory verse of the week.

Letter recognition
Make homemade books together by copying simple books read and just changing them a little.

Journal-Lei will dictates to me important events, places visited, etc... in heis life on Fridays. I'll write it down on our dry erase board first, then i'll write it in his journal, leaving a word or two blank for him to fill in.
(Do not focus on much writing at this age.)

Holidays, Traditions, Various countries and cultures

Nature Study:
Local birds, flowers/plants, insects

I have been giving Lei a bit of copywork *mainly bible verses & poem lines*, and we have been working on math with manipulative. We do a lot of nature walks. During our nature walks there is not much talking unless Lei has a question. I allow him to take it all in, and enjoy God's creation. Later on we discuss and look up things he inquired about.
We don't focus on Music Study yet, but we do listen to classical music & church hymns.

Ok, Who is Charlotte Mason, you may ask?

You can read all about her, and her teachings here!

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  1. Catrina,
    It is possible to do all 3 if you wish. That's the benefit of homeschooling! You can compromise with your husband and do Math and Reading/Phonics with workbooks, and the rest can be unschooling or Montesorri. With Math, you can use various manipulatives to integrate with the lesson to keep Lei happy as well.
    But just think on it. I'm sure you will come up with a great plan.


  2. Pretty much what i was thinking also :)
    Lei does like *most* worksheets, as long as there is no tracing or coloring involved!
    My main goal with homeschooling is to keep the excitement in learning for my kids...and, of course, for them to learn something in the process haha!

    BTW-I like the drawings you and your son did & your son is too funny with the Beyonce comment!


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