Hi there!

7:33 PM

Good news! I've been working on some new free stuff! It will be a little easier now that I have a laptop and do not have to rely only on my desk top. The desk top works fine, but after the kids are in bed for the night I prefer to be in the room with them for the most part. We all share a bed (all 5 of us!), and i feel safer being where I can see Luna when she sleeps. Now I can work and be in the room at the same time. How great is that !?!

Now i have no excuses. I have a few things in the works and I hope to have them done and uploaded asap!

Schooling has been going great. The kids are doing well, and Luna is becoming interested in the Montessori materials. She is 16 months now! Crazy. She is definitely developing her own little personality!

I'll be back soon. This is only meant to be a mini post....and i feel the urge to ramble so i'll end it here ;)

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