Copy Work Book

8:43 AM

I love Charlotte Mason. So of course i would love copy work also! I'm making a folder of copy work for Lee so that he can have all his pages together.

It's pretty easy to do, all you need is:
A Computer (or you can hand write it also!)
Sheet protectors
Washable marker/Dry erase marker

Print off (or hand write) any material you think your child may benefit from, or needs practice with.
With Lee i print off the alphabet, numbers, line tracing, matching, etc.

Then you slide the pages into the sheet protector. I put 2 pages in each protector.

That's it!

Now they can copy away and when they are done you just wipe the page clean. They can do it over and over!

I'll be posting pictures as soon as i'm done, and as soon as L can get me more sheet protectors!

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